- +91 7304820080
EPE Foam Roll and Sheet Manufacturer and Supplier

Hitlon Sheet Uses :
Mattress Manufacture : The biggest use of Hitlon sheet is in mattress industry and product packing.
Sound Proof : Hitlon Expanded Polyethylene Foam has the ability to resist vibration and sound, due to which it is also used in making soundproof products.
Heat Insulation : Hitlon sheet also has the ability to insulate. Hence Hitlon sheet is also used in making products like heat insulation.
WATER RESISTANCE : Hitlon sheet is used as water resistance. For this reason, Hitlon sheet is also used for packing such goods where there is a danger of getting wet.
Packing : Due to Hitlon sheet properties like being cheap, light in weight, moisture resistant, vibration resistant, it has started being used the most in packing of goods. Gradually Hitlon sheet is taking the place of thermocol.
Shock Absorption : Due to Hitlon sheet is shock absorption ability, Hitlon sheets are also used for packing shock-resistant items.
Vibration Dampening : Hitlon sheet is also used in some places to stop the vibration. Hitlon sheet is used for vibration resistance.
Surface Protection : Hitlon sheet does not have friction, which will not get damaged due to friction, so Hitlon sheet is used to pack such items.